Cloud Kitchen - Where to Start From?

 Some years back, you would enjoy cooking and like to carry lunch to your work. But due to the hectic job and busy schedule, cooking has become extravagance, and online food delivery is grabbing attention of most of the people. A large number of people are actually getting attracted towards online food delivery because of its comfort. In other words, we can refer to this concept as cloud kitchen model.


So if you are looking forward to open up your own cloud kitchen and sell your cooked food, when you can easily start one from your home. All you need to do is to you just consult a professional cloud kitchen coach, Dr. Abhinav Saxena who can help you in guiding to the way of marketing your cloud kitchen start-up. So from where you start? Here is the blog which can help you in knowing about how you can do it.

·         Firstly, research your target market: It is important that you figure out what's your target customer’s food choice. If you want to target the college students, then you can go for light and heavy snacks. On the other hand, if your target is the employees then you can offer them healthy lunch meals and snacks.

·         Develop a marketing strategy: Once you are aware of how to reach your target market effectively, then you need to set your market strategy which can help the customers in approaching to you. You can take help from digital marketing through social media and can also connect to the food aggregators online so as to aware the customers about your business too.

·         Create a business and meal plan: Alongside this marketing strategy, it is important that you prepare a meal plan too. In addition to that, you need to know the cost of selling each pack of food, the grocery list and the cost of every raw material and the other important costs like gas, electricity and work. And your business will grow; you can add more meal to your menu so as to increase your profit margin every day.

·         Government compliance: It is crucial that you identify and follow the legal compliances that are set by the government or by other food law for food organizations for cloud kitchens in India. You need to apply for each and every license and permits so as to run your food delivery business without any interruption.


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